Patrick Kindig

Family Tree


A poet whom I’ve never met

but who follows me on Twitter

also follows a guy on Twitter

on whose face I once came.


I know this because my ex

follows the guy on Twitter

on whose face I once came

and today my ex on Twitter


followed me. The guy

on whose face I once came

now has an Onlyfans account.

He mostly uses Twitter


to share pictures of his butt.

The poet whom I’ve never met

but who follows me on Twitter

mostly uses Twitter to share


poems that he’s published &

pictures of his butt. The first

private message I received

on Twitter came from


a New York poet asking

if I dated boys or girls. I told him

I dated boys & he said

mm ur cute. When I was dating my ex


he used to tell me how hot

this New York poet was.

My ex was also a poet

but I don’t follow him


on Twitter. Through Twitter

men have tried to meet me

& shown me pictures of their butts.

Some have been poets. Some


have been promoting

Onlyfans accounts. Some

have asked if I would come

to New York and cum


on their faces. Some have told me

they like my poems.


Patrick Kindig is the author of the chapbook all the catholic gods (Seven Kitchens Press 2019) and the micro-chapbook Dry Spell (Porkbelly Press 2016). His poems have recently appeared in Copper Nickel, Colorado Review, the Chattahoochee Review, Washington Square Review, and other journals. He is Assistant Professor of English at Tarleton State University.